Granite Properties leadership team Granite Properties leadership team

Fact Check

We asked our Leadership Team to share a lesser known fact about themselves and got some interesting (and funny) responses. Click a team member to view their story.

(Front, left to right)

Tessie Nolan

Tessie Nolan

I still own my first car – a 1968 bright red Mustang convertible. #CleanOneOwner

Will Hendrickson

Will Hendrickson

I played the drums in a rock band in high school. We were terrible. #TheEnd

Stephanie Lawrence

Stephanie Lawrence

I’m better at numbers than golf, but I have actually hit a hole in one! #ItsintheHole

(Back, left to right)

Clint Osteen

Clint Osteen

Even though I had never played golf, I went out for the team as a high school freshman. That coincided with Texas’ 1st year of “no pass, no play.” Guess who was the only guy to pass and letter in golf?! #ItsLonelyAtTheTop

Sandy Benak

Sandy Benak

I have been keeping score at baseball games since I was 11 years old. For non-scorers: a backward K is baseball talk for “strike out looking.” #BaseballFreak

Steve West

Steve West

I lived in 10 different Texas cities growing up from Sweetwater to LaPorte. #NowhereToCallHome

Ace Roman

Ace Roman

I really like rap music. No, really. #TheRealSlimShady

Robert Jimenez

Robert Jimenez

I attended the longest and highest scoring game in college football history. #GigEm

David Cunningham

David Cunningham

I may not look like it but I LOVE to cook and I’m pretty good! #OfCourseYouAre

John Robbins

John Robbins

I took a 440 foot bungee jump dive in New Zealand experiencing a 5.5 second free fall. #LetsDoItAgain

Greg Fuller

Greg Fuller

As a finalist on the Wide World of Sports in 1987, I competed in the “Play a Sport with a Celebrity” contest and suggested Monopoly with Donald Trump. I even dressed up like the Art of The Deal book cover! #RealEstateTycoons

Jason Purvis

Jason Purvis

I am 6’6” and my primary sport in college was not basketball! #NewMexicoLobosFootball

Bill Brown

Bill Brown

I was an Evel Knievel fan and spent my younger days jumping trash cans on my modified Schwinn Stingray. Pretty sure I invented the mountain bike. #10TrashCanLimit

Scott Martin

Scott Martin

I was stranded for a week in the Aleutian Island mountains in Alaska during the coldest week on record without a sleeping bag or back pack. I survived, no thanks to my guide! #PsychoGuide

Paul Bennett

Paul Bennett

Like many families, my wife and I had grandfathers who served in WWII. The only difference is that one fought for the Germans and one fought for the United States. #AHouseDivided

Michael Dardick

Michael Dardick

In high school, I worked for UPS unloading packages from 18-wheelers. #WhatCanBrownDoForYou

Sheryl Troiani

Sheryl Troiani

I played field hockey and danced ballet during high school. #GracefulJock